KBK Single-girder suspension cranes

KBK Single-girder suspension cranes Single-girder suspension cranes from our KBK light crane system enable you to achieve fast and reliable area-serving overhead handling and exact positioning of a wide variety of goods. With our optimised and modular KBK components, spatial challenges and requirements are already taken into account during the planning stage. Reduced approach dimensions and thus improved utilisation of the available space are ensured by our optimised trolleys. During the project engineering phase, planners already gain more flexibility thanks to, for example, larger distances between suspensions and the option of an integrated conductor line, thus reducing installation work and assembly costs. Useful KBK additional components enable owners of installations to respond to changing requirements at any time. Variable travel path limitation, for example, makes it possible to limit travel motions in just a few steps. Quick and easy to install. What qualities do our KBK single-girder suspension cranes offer? Modular system design Smooth and reliable handling Smooth manual travel Cost-effective implementation Customer-specific configuration to meet individual requirements Reduced approach dimensions Larger distances between suspensions Lower assembly costs KBK single-girder suspension cranes 1.Steel support superstructure 2.Profile sections 3.Trailing cable 4.Integrated conductor line 5.KBK trolleys 6.Travel drives 7.KBK II-H joint connection 8.KBK suspensions Product information The benefits at a glance Optimum space utilisation Overhead, area-serving load transport Optimum utilisation of space thanks to minimum approach dimensions Suspension from existing workshop ceilings or roof structures Require no additional supports for the crane runway Convenient handling Easily moved by hand Smooth-running, snag-free operation thanks to articulated connections between the crane girders and trolleys Low deadweight Customer-specific and cost-effective solutions for workshops – also in limited sections Versatile applications thanks to modular system design (e.g. latching arrangements with KBK suspension monorails for crane trolley transfer) Cranes can also operate on runways that are not parallel